The New Normal
Yep just doing the new normal. Practicing social distancing and enjoying my own company. Spending a little time with my husband before he wanders off to the gargage to do whatever it is he does. Yesterday he made me some buttons so I can make headbands with buttons for mask so I am going to do some more sewing today.
I am finding its hard to remember what day it is, today I laughed because when I open my daily pill box I said oooo its Friday. I was wondering how many people are finding the same thing happening to them. I have started at night to say thank you for another day and in the morning my husband and I ask what each other are planning to do today. I find that if I can find projects and things to get busy that helps the day to fly bye. Like today I woke up seems that I just had breakfast and now its almost lunch time.
I am hoping that soon life might return a little back to normal I don’t think for me it will never be the normal as I had before. People will pay more attention to health issues, hand washing even to the possibilities to keeping a two or three week supply of non-perishable food on hand. Cleaning supplies, paper towels and of course toilet paper on hand. Then things changes and many years in the future again like the Spanish Flu they will have forgotten and it will happen again.